for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS


Top 12 Homeopathic Remedies 


Many women dread the thought of menses or periods, but irregularities and unusual changes in the menstrual cycle can be a nightmare. Delayed or irregular menses, absent menses for various months, prolonged menses — all these are indications of an endocrine disorder known in medical terms as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a syndrome that affects women in the reproductive age group and is one of the leading causes of female infertility. Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus are also associated with PCOS.

What causes PCOS?
The exact cause of PCOS is not yet known. It is considered a disease of genetic origin. A woman with a positive family history of PCOS is at a higher risk of developing the same. Obesity and an inactive lifestyle are other factors responsible for PCOS. In addition, women with PCOS have persistently high levels of androgen and estrogen hormones.

How do I know I have PCOS?
If you have irregular periods, delayed periods, scanty menses along with acne and unwanted hair growth, there is a chance you may have PCOS. Hair thinning and weight gain are also signs of PCOS though they could be caused by other factors as well. In a few women, heavy menstrual flow may also be present.  Mood swings and irritability are also symptoms of PCOS. However, these symptoms will have to be supported by hormone tests and other medical investigation for proper diagnosis.

What are the complications associated with PCOS?
Various complications can arise in the case of PCOS. The major among these is infertility. Type2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and depression are other complications associated with PCOS.

Homeopathic Remedies for PCOS
Homeopathic remedies for polycystic ovarian syndrome are made of natural substances with zero side effects and present opportunities for alleviation of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.   

Sepia: Top Remedy for PCOS
Sepia occupies the top position among the medicines for treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The menstrual symptom for Sepia is late and scanty menses. In most of the cases, this is accompanied by bearing down sensations in the pelvic region. The ovaries remain enlarged with fluid-filled cysts in them. Sepia acts very efficiently to regulate the menstrual cycle to appear at the proper expected time. Sepia can also be considered to treat infertility cases due to PCOS. Abnormal hair growth on the face, especially on upper lips, can also be well controlled with Sepia. Other general symptoms to look for before taking Sepia are sensitivity to cold air, mental irritability, and indifferent behavior towards loved ones.

For Extremely Suppressed Menses
Pulsatilla is a natural medicine for treating PCOS. It is especially beneficial for treating PCOS cases in females who suffer from suppressed periods for a long duration. In women requiring Pulsatilla, the periods when they appear remain very scanty and extremely painful. Pulsatilla removes the obstacles that cause the periods to be suppressed and the periods start to flow normally. Pulsatilla increases the body’s power and directs its path towards removing the obstacle, thus re-establishing the menstrual flow.  Pulsatilla is of great help for young girls at puberty who suffer from PCOS with irregular periods. The physical general symptoms to consider for using Pulsatilla include the total absence of thirst and a desire for cool open air. Open air overall seems to provide relief to the patient. And in the mental sphere, the significant features to take note of are mild, sensitive nature with weeping tendencies. Such a woman weeps at the slightest instance and feels somewhat better when given consolation.

For Prolonged and Profuse Periods
Calcarea Carb, a natural medicine, is of great help in the treatment of PCOS and is particularly suited when a woman with PCOS suffers from profuse periods that are prolonged more than the usual duration. The women with PCOS facing the problem of weight gain and obesity are also the candidates requiring Calcarea Carb. Calcarea Carb helps such women in reducing the excessive weight gain very efficiently. There are a few physical general symptoms to look out for while choosing to take Calcarea Carb. The first is excessive sweating on the head. The second is extreme sensitivity to cold air. And the last is a peculiar craving in eating habits like a desire for boiled eggs and in a few cases, strange things like chalk and lime.

Natrum Mur: For PCOS with Irregular and Suppressed Menstrual Cycles
Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine to treat women with PCOS who have irregular and suppressed menstrual cycles. Natrum Mur benefits most women by regularizing their menstrual cycles. Natrum Mur should also be considered for women with difficulty in conception due to PCOS. The important symptoms to look out for while using Natrum Mur are an excessively hot sensation, aversion to the heat of sun and craving for extra salt in the diet. The mental picture that needs to be considered includes the reserved nature of the patient, weeping spells especially when alone and worsening of symptoms when sympathy is offered.

For Retarded Menstrual Flow
Thuja is a medicine that is considered of great help in PCOS treatment. Thuja is a very efficient medicine and its use is called for when a woman suffers from a retarded menstrual flow with multiple cysts in ovaries. Thuja has the innate ability to dissolve abnormal growth or accumulation anywhere in the body. Thus, it has the supreme power to dissolve cysts also. Most women requiring Thuja have cystic growths more pronounced in the left-side ovary. Thuja is also of great help in the treatment of extreme hair growth on unusual parts in women due to hormonal imbalance.

For Suppressed or Absent Menses
Pulsatilla, Kali Carb and Senecio work successfully in re-establishing the menses that have been absent. Pulsatilla is the top medicine for most cases of suppressed menses and proves successful in bringing back the menstrual period. Kali Carb is a very beneficial medicine when the menses are suppressed altogether for several months. Senecio is the ideal medicine when the menses are suppressed but the woman feels that menses are about to come. In such cases, the complaints related to menses are present like heaviness or pain in the pelvic region and nausea, but the menstrual flow is absent.

For Scanty and Short Duration of Periods in PCOS
The problem of scanty menses can be treated with medicines Pulsatilla, Sepia and Senecio. The short duration of periods may vary from a few hours to one or two days. Several natural medicines are present to tackle this condition. For menses remaining only for a few hours, Euphrasia, Coccus Cacti, and Psorinum are of great help. Sepia and Pulsatilla can help for periods of one-day duration.

For PCOS with Irregular Menstrual Cycle
The selection of medicines that are helpful in regularizing the menstrual cycle is based on individual case presentation. Natrum Mur, Pulsatilla, and Sepia are the top polycystic ovarian syndrome medication in homeopathy. Women can benefit from the use of any of these medicines depending upon the constitution. Please remember, regularizing the menstrual cycle is not an overnight issue. It takes a lot of patience and time to bring about a change.

Reducing Excessive Hair Growth
Homeopathy can be very useful to decrease abnormal hair growth (hirsutism) in women suffering from PCOS. Sepia is preferred if there is hair growth on upper lips. For hair growth on the chin, Oleum Jecoris Aselli is of great help. Thuja is a medicine of great help for excessive hair growth anywhere on the body,be it the face or arms and legs.

For Acne or Pimples in PCOS
Both Sulphur and Silicea are equally helpful medicines for treating acne in women with PCOS. Sulphur brings about excellent results in most cases of acne. The acne may be painful or may itch in persons requiring Sulphur. Silicea is to be considered when the acne contains pus and they are deep-rooted.

For Obesity in due to PCOS
The best medicines for treating obesity are Calcarea Carb, Graphites and Ammonium Carb. Which of these medicines to take is chosen as per the case demands.

For Ovarian Cysts in PCOS
The isolated presence of cysts in the ovaries in no way means that the woman is suffering from PCOS unless the other significant symptoms are experienced. The symptoms are mainly menstrual irregularities and abnormal hair growth, acne, obesity and difficulty in conceiving. The remedy is chosen not on the basis of cysts but rather on each patient’s symptoms, though the cysts may provide help in making the choice of medicine. To take an example, the presence of cysts predominantly in the right ovary suggests the use of Homeopathic medicines Lycopodium, Belladonna and Apis Mellifica. And if the cysts occupy the left ovary, Thuja Occidentalis and Lachesis are of great help.


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